Skyrim Continuous Loading Screen on Startup

skyrim infinite screen solved

Solved: Skyrim infinite loading screen issue

Skyrim is an action roleplay game that has taken character advancement to a whole new level. It was developed by Bethesda game studios. Skyrim is supported in Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The storyline and character development in this game have increased its popularity. Many gamers are downloading this game making it one of the loved games. But there is an issue reported highly by users which is Skyrim infinite loading screen problem on startup.

Players add mods in Skyrim. However, there is one error reported by lots of players. When they just install the game or add extra mods, their game gets stuck in the infinite loading screen. Their game won't open and Skyrim infinite loading screen is shown on startup. Can we fix this issue? Today we will learn methods to fix Skyrim's infinite loading screen error on startup.

Skyrim infinite loading screen problem

Skyrim players add various mods to make the game more fun. When you open Skyrim, it shows a loading screen. But they face the issue of getting not getting out from the infinite loading screen of Skyrim. Many players have reported that they cannot play the game because the loading screen doesn't go. There is an infinite loading screen at the startup of the game.

This error appears while you open the game and doesn't allow you to play the game. In some cases, players have reported that they face this issue when they change locations. How to fix Skyrim infinite loading screen on startup?

Why are you getting Skyrim infinite loading screen?

There are several causes for a showing of Skyrim's infinite loading screen. Here are four major reasons behind this error.

  • Misconfiguration while installing games or mods can cause infinite loading screens of Skyrim.
  • Outdated display drivers can be one of the causes.
  • Memory shortage can cause an error.
  • Not compatible with the device setting or might need to edit the Skyrim preference file. If there is an issue in the preference file then it can cause Skyrim infinite loading screen on startup of the game.

How to fix Skyrim infinite loading screen

Whenever you try to open Skyrim, it gets stuck on an infinite loading screen. There are a few proven ways to fix this error. We will talk about four ways to fix this problem.

Method 1: Update your Driver

Outdated drivers might cause problems in many games. If you have an outdated driver which needs to be updated then this might be one of the cause for Skyrim infinite loading screen problem. Here is how you can update your driver and fix getting stuck on infinite loading on Skyrim.

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Method 2: Change the memory allocation for Skyrim

If there is a memory shortage then it can cause an error on Skyrim making an infinite loading screen on Skyrim. Memory allocation for the game can help to fix this problem. So, we have to edit the SafetyLoad config file to set Safy Load work when on the loading screen. Your default setting runs all time which can cause Skyrim infinite loading screen on startup. You can follow the steps to allocate memory for Skyrim.

  • At first install the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) for its official site for proceeding towards fixing Skyrim infinite loading screen error.
  • Open file explorer and navigate where you had installed Skyrim. Then search for "Skyrim\data\SKSE\Plugins\SafetyLoad.ini". Double click on SafetyLoad.allocate memory fix skyrim infinite loading
  • Now change the value of EnableOnlyLoading from false to true. Now save the setting by clicking control + S and exit.
  • Open the Skyrim and check if there is an infinite loading screen on startup. This can fix your loading screen problem on Skyrim.

Method 3: Customize Skyrim preference file

Some users have reported that editing the Skyrim preference has fixed the issue of an infinite loading screen for them. The value called fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS sets the loading screen time for the game. So, you can change this value from Skyrim preference and fix the Skyrim infinite loading screen error. For that, you can follow the steps given below.

Method 4: Uninstall mods and reinstall the game

If you have installed multiple mods then they might cause an error. Conflict might arise between mods. It might cause Skyrim infinite loading screen problems. This happens because the mods you installed and system requirements don't match. You need to uninstall every mod one by one and check if the issue of infinite loading screen exists. If the issue is fixed by uninstalling mods then you can be sure that the stuck on the loading screen was caused by the conflict of mods.

Even after uninstalling the mods if your Skyrim infinite loading screen problem is not solved then the last option is to uninstall and reinstall the game. Here is how you can uninstall Skyrim.

  • Open the windows menu and search for the program uninstall option.
  • Now search for Skyrim and right-click over it.
  • Then uninstall the game. Select yes when it asks you sure want to uninstall Skyrim.
  • Then visit the official site of Skyrim and install the game. This will for sure fix the infinite loading screen of the game.

Getting stuck on the loading screen is one of the most annoying things for any gamers. We learned that by updated drivers of the PC, allocating proper storage, removing and reinstalling the game, we can fix the Skyrim infinite loading screen issue. I hope your problem is fixed now. If you still get a problem or if any of the above methods worked better for you then leave a comment below.


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